0:00 Saleswoman| Blue Bloods (CBS)

0:12 Russian Double-Agent

1:03 Snobby Socialite

1:48 Wired Woman on Bicycle

2:18 ‘Jizzybuns’ | Louie (FX)


0:00 Snobby Socialite

0:44 Earnest Employee

1:22 Wired Woman on Bicycle

1:55 ‘Jizzybuns’ | Louie (FX)


Russian 0:07

Israeli 0:33

Australian 1:06

Greek 1:24

French 1:49

British 2:13

Arabic 2:43

Hey, listen, between you and me, it’s about to get weird….

Joanie Fark

MD + Realllllly into Crystals + Rooting for You

Meet Joanie Fark. Once a widely tolerated MD who, through a series of unfortunate events, the best of intentions and an established capitalist conspiracy, found herself stripped of her medical license and disbarred from offering care through the hospital she calls home. However, when life throws you in a janitors closet…grow some medical grade shrooms in there…you know, for science.

She’s rooting for You, the soul of the American medical system, and your Third Eye.  J.Fark- Offering janitorial and medicinal services. Definitely by choice. Definitely.

…and if you’re just here for the lingo…start at 1:40


Undead + Still Kicking + Bored AF

Scroll Down for Episodes II- IV

Meet Ambrosia. Call her opinionated, call her bombastic, call her please, she’s bored.

The 4-part mini-series, inspired by Anya’s great-grandmother and What We Do In the Shadows (FX), chronicles a vampire doing her best with the resources available to a lonely undead-gal in the middle of a global pandemic.


/ˈvamˌpī(ə)r/ noun.

1. An immortal once-human, undead person who, of no fault of her own, requires human blood in order to provide energy for her un-dead body. Contrary to common belief, vampires do, in fact, have feelings. Alright?

The chronicled letters between Mrs. Pondershitz (editor-in-chief of The Paranormal Review) and Ambrosia explore of the relationship between paranormal press and patronage, between generosity and a free sample, between community and …well…shouting into the void. You know?

Also, the editors say really nice things about Anya.

The audio adaptation, Ambrosia in Correspondence, earned a spot as a finalist for the prestigious Miller Audio Prize from The Missouri Review.

Ambrosia Episodes II-IV

Ambrosia II

In Consideration of her Tax Obligation

Ambrosia III

In Violation of House Rules

Ambrosia IV -

In Mourning for her Human